Week Twelve – The Middle Kingdom of Egypt

Week Twelve was relatively lite as we were focusing on Egypt’s Middle Kingdom, so we tried to focus on the lives of everyday Egyptians.

Story of the World:

Listened to Egypt Invades Nubia and The Hyksos Invade Egypt and completed the review questions and narration exercise. M1 completed the Hyksos drawing page and the Middle Kingdom map page.

Hyksos Jewelry.jpg

Read Together:


The Usborne Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, pages 20 to 21 for the history of the Middle Kingdom. We also read pages 74 to 96, which focuses the lives of everyday Egyptians, because it was a relatively light week.

Watch Together:

Rewatched Crash Course’s Ancient Egypt: Crash Course in World History, which discusses the invasion of Egypt by the Hyksos. 

Listen Together:

For older students, The Maritime History podcast has a 27 minute overview of Middle Egypt, with a focus on an explorer named Hannu who opened up trade routes and includes a narrative on the Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor.